How To Change Margins In Google Docs

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Maintaining a really busy work schedule now has become a very big deal for people. And making it really easy one must start looking for the way out. For example a techy person who might be working for a multinational organization must go through the various documentary presentations. And for that a good platform is always required that can manage a hell lot of documents. So here Google doc is actually helping you out. First of all Google docs is giving you the chance to create and edit text documents in your very own browser. And for that you don’t have to download any third party software. Just in case you must look after the fact that you have a good internet connection.


The best part of Google docs is that it allows you to work on a particular document with your teammates or people outside your association. And you are also accessible to see the edits that was made by others. You can also communicate with the built-in chat facility or ask questions or give your opinions through including comments. Importing any kinds of documents like Microsoft word or PDF is also available in Google docs. You can get them edited directly and export your assignment in .docx, .txt, .rtf, .html, .otd, .pdf formats. You’re also eligible for making changes to the work you have done previously. Your previous versions will be kept indeterminately and they don’t going to consume a little amount of your storage. Google docs have more than 800 million active users all over the world and much more users will be added soon. And these all are making Google docs a renowned application.

How Does Google Docs Work?

Some people might have a question that how does this awesome application called Google docs work? Well the answer is quite easy as I have already mentioned above. This is the platform that will put you a step further in your workplace. Google docs basically offers you the facility to work across various devices even without internet. You can create, edit, and share your documents from IPhone IPad or Android devices. You can use Chrome to access from PC or Mac even though you are offline. Do hell lot of research over various topics, define wirds and include citations in your documents. There are some compact add-ons that will help you to improve the accessibility of Google docs. A quick search will

Bring you up a handful of tools that can really help you to speed up your document creation and ensure you to produce the best document ever. There are some good working add-ons for Google docs

  1. Speakd
  2. Wolfram| alpha
  3. Docsecrets
  4. Koodid barcodes
  5. Easy accents
  6. hellosign
  7. Text cleaner
  8. lucidchart diagrams
  9. supermetrics
  10. appsheet
  11. worl flows
  12. voice typing

So you can use any of the add-ons I have mentioned above. Now coming to the point that, i have seen people are getting trouble to change the margins that have been made to Google docs. Eventually when you create a new document in Google docs you’ll get to see some default margins that uses to be 1 inches in size. Margins are basically the free space between the border of the page and the text on the each side of the page. And when you will print the page these margins will fix the distance between the text and the edges of the paper.

If you have ever feel that you have to change those default margins in Google docs then no worries, there is a very easy process that can be followed to get your work done. I’m gonna give some really cool tips about how to change default margins in Google docs below what you have follow very carefully. So there’s a very easy process to change the margins but it’s only workable for the left and right margins in Google docs. But the procedure to change the upper and lower margins is bit complicated. But Google docs allow you to change every margin at a single time.

How to Change Left Margin in Google Docs?

Changing the Left margin in Google docs is a really very easy process. Just follow the steps given below. If you seem to find any problem to apply these methods then try to look for the option name we have mentioned below then you will definitely find it to get the work done.

1. First of all open Google docs

2. Click on that particular document you want to edit or recreate.

3. Find out the ruler at the top of the document

4. For changing the left margin look for a rectangular bar with a down faced triangular under it on the left end of the ruler.

5. Click the triangular and drag it towards right side along the ruler to change the left margin.

How to Change Right Margin in Google Docs?

Changing the left margin in Google docs is pretty same as to change the right margin. Just follow the steps given below.

1. Open Google docs first.

2. Select the document you want to edit.

3. Try to find out a ruler on the top of the window.

4. For changing the left margin try to look for a rectangular bar with a down faced triangular under it on the right end of the ruler.

5. Click the triangular and drag it towards the left side to change the right margin.

How to Change the Top and Bottom Margins in Google Docs?

If you have gone through the methods given below then you already know some of the steps that can be followed to change the margin in Google docs. Some settings might be different than the procedure we have shown but if you try search around them, then you’ll get your solution. We have mentioned a step-by-step procedure to change the top and bottom margins in Google docs that you can follow.

1. Open Google docs.

2. Select the particular document you want to change.

3. After opening the document click on the FILE option on the upper left corner of the document.

4. Then select the PAGE SETUP

5. After doing this a window will pop up in front of you. And in that window try to look for where it was said Besides the margins option there will be two boxes named TOP and BOTTOM. If you have to change the top margin then click on the TOP box and if you have to change the bottom margin then click on the BOTTOM box and then you can easily change the width of those margins.

6. Then click on OK. Your margins will be changed in no time.

Is it Possible to Lock the Margins in Google Docs?

People used to ask this question very often. Well I must say it is completely not possible to lock margins in google docs but you can prevent someone to make any changes to your document which you have shared with that person. So if you want someone not to change or edit anything from your document then the process is very easy. When you are sharing the document just click on the PENCIL icon and choose the CAN VIEW option instead of CAN EDIT.

but one thing about this process I want to share with you that a locked document can a big troublesome with you when you will try to read it or try to print it out in your enough space to make notes. If you suspects that if someone had locked your document or not then just look for the main document and try find out a box says VIEW ONLY. If you see that then your document is locked.

How to Unlock a Locked Document in Google Docs?

The easiest way to edit or make changes to a locked document is to ask for the permission to the document owner. And for that follow the step given below.

1. Click on the option called VIEW ONLY

2. Then select the REQUEST EDIT ACCESS option

3. Type out you request in the request box that will pop up.

4. Click SEND to send the request.

If the document owner grants you to make changes to the document then you will be able to edit the document.

How to Make a New Document if the Shared Document is Locked?

If you get a shared document which already locked by the document owner then you will not be able to change the margins of that document but in the other way you can just copy the document and you will be able to change the margins. And this process can be held in two different ways.

1. Open the locked document you want to edit.

2. Select all the text in the document.

3. Then press the CTRL+C key on your keyboard.

4. Press CTRL+N. a new document will be opened.

5. Then press CTRL+V to paste the copied text into the new document.

6. You can now change the margins in this new document.

The other process to change the document is also very easy.

  1.  Open the document you want to edit.
  2.  Then click on the FILE option and then select the MAKE A COPY option
  3.  Enter a suitable name for your copied document.
  4.  Then click OK

A default document will be created. In which the margins are adjustable.

Final Words

So this is how you can entirely change or modify the default margins in Google document. If you want to change the margins for Google docs then carefully follow the steps given above. But remember there are so many other sites available out there to tell you the process of changing the margins in Google docs. But we recommend you to stay away from those sites. In the name of getting the work done you might end up downloading some malware or virus in your device.

If you get any kind of problem to apply these methods to change the margins in Google docs then let us know in the comment section. We will help you further to get the solution a your best

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